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Open Book.

Our Story

During the lockdown of 2020, two visionary women, Neetu and Khyati, connected over a shared dream: to promote women in technology. Both coming from traditional Indian backgrounds, they knew the challenges faced by women in the tech industry all too well. Their vision was to create a space exclusively for women, where they could feel encouraged, motivated, and empowered. Working with other women leaders and allies, they faced hurdles but their resilience carried them forward, and thus, WIT Dreamin' was born.


WIT Dreamin' is more than an event; it's a symbol of a movement towards a more equitable future. It's a platform that celebrates women in tech, challenges barriers, and fosters growth and innovation. The success of WIT Dreamin' is a testament to what can be achieved when women come together with a common purpose. It stands as an inspiring reminder that dreams do come true, and that together, we can indeed change the world.

Fist Bump

Our Mission

WIT Dreamin is dedicated to empowering, celebrating, and connecting women in the technology industry. Our mission is to foster an inclusive environment that supports women's growth and leadership within the tech community. We strive to inspire innovation and collaboration, ensuring that women's voices are heard and their potential fully realised. Together, we are building a future where every woman in tech can Dream Big.

Working on Laptop

Our Vision

WIT Dreamin's vision is a tech industry where women's contributions are celebrated, diversity is embraced, and barriers to success are dismantled. We envision a future where women are equal partners in driving technological innovation, supported by a community that nurtures growth, facilitates connections, and champions inclusivity. By creating meaningful opportunities and a platform for dialogue, we aim to shape an industry that recognizes and values the unique perspectives and talents of women. Here's to a world where Women in Tech thrive!

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